On my drive home for Thanksgiving break, my sister sent me a picture message of this:

Oh yes, Linda's cookies. My mom's friend Linda bakes these pretty Christmas cookies every year around the holidays, and this year they came eeeearly!
I arrived home on Thanksgiving Eve to a kitchen full of family and Thanksgiving food. They were getting a head start on the mashed potatoes and some of the other foods. Smart thinking. And of course, Darla was there sitting under everyone's feet the whole time, in case a morsel of food were to drop.
Here she is, at her scruffiest, doing the one-legger.
On Thanksgiving day, the cooking continued, and I was there to help.
My uncle and cousin arrived from VA with their dog, Sailor.
When it was time to carve the turkey, there was a lot of laughter. I'm still not exactly sure what was so funny, but my dad and his brother could not contain themselves.
My dad's brother helping him out:
And then the brotherly laughing continued with my brother...
And the laughs continued throughout the night. Unfortunately, I don't have any pictures of the food...... I don't know what happened. But picture it: A beautiful turkey and ham drizzled with honey mustard, stuffing, fresh green beans tossed with hazelnuts, cranberry sauce, sweet potatoes drizzled with maple syrup and cinnamon, fluffy white mashed potatoes, pumpkin pie & whipped cream, warm apple cobbler...
And after Thanksgiving, when I returned to my apartment in Wilmington, my roommates and I set up a Christmas Tree. Check it out.
It adds warmth and joy to the apartment!